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ZK News – Attorney Aaron Weiss presents CLE on The History of Beer in Western Pennsylvania and the Laws that Shaped it

Attorney Aaron Weiss will partner with the Federal Bar Association Local Western District of PA Chapter and Duquesne Law to present a CLE on The History of Beer in Western Pennsylvania and the Laws that Shaped It on September 27, 2024 at Thomas R. Kline School of Law.

Did you know William Penn used gifts of beer to help barter diplomatic arrangements with local Native Americans, leading to the founding of Pennsylvania? Ever since becoming a state, beer has played a pivotal role in Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania breweries have been influential over the nation’s entire beer scene. Even today Pittsburgh alone has over 50 craft breweries and Pennsylvania is the second largest producer of craft beer in the nation. This 1 hour CLE will dive into the complete and complex history of beer in Western PA, from brewing at Fort Pitt during the French & Indian War to large brewery conglomerates, prohibition, mergers, unions, and even up to the present day alcohol law. This CLE is sure to engage any beer or history enthusiast.

Join us for this unique session!

  • When: Sept. 27, 2024 at 4:00-5:00 pm, with craft beer sampling to follow
  • Where: Thomas R. Kline School of Law, 900 Locust St., Pittsburgh, PA 15282
  • Presenters: Aaron H. Weiss, Esq., of Zimmer Kunz, PLLC
  • Credit: 1 CLE
  • Cost:
    • Non-Members: $50
    • FBA Members: $25
  • Link to Sign Up:
    • Note: This link is within a group of events for the law school’s annual dinner. Fill out the personal information and then on the second page you can select only the CLE, if that is all you wish to attend.