ZK Results – Attorneys George Stewart and Kerri Shimborske-Abel Obtain Summary Judgment (August, 2018, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania)
Attorneys George Stewart and Kerri Shimborske-Abel obtained the dismissal of their clients from a serious personal injury suit where the plaintiff suffered a significant traumatic injury to his lower leg in a motorcycle-motor vehicle accident. Plaintiff claimed that as he approached an intersection, that a co-defendant suddenly and without warning entered onto the highway directly into his path of travel, causing a collision between his motorcycle and co-defendant’s vehicle. The Zimmer Kunz clients were owners of property located at the accident intersection. In his Complaint, Plaintiff alleged that co-defendant’s sight distance was partially obstructed by trees on the property owners’ land and brought a cause of action for negligence against them for failure to remove trees that constituted a sight distance obstruction. In their Motion for Summary Judgment, the Zimmer Kunz counsel successfully argued that the alleged sight distance impairment did not play a role in the accident and was not a causative factor in the accident. The Zimmer Kunz clients were dismissed with prejudice from the suit.